Nuestros entregables:

desarrollo de software a la medida


The blueprints detail the prior agreements for project development, including changes, new functionalities, improvements in user experience, modifications in payment processes, among others. This ensures that all parties involved are aligned and that the project moves forward smoothly.

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AWS/GCP architectures

Our team of cloud architecture experts performs an exhaustive analysis of the requirements and characteristics of the client's applications or platforms to propose the ideal cloud architecture using AWS or GCP, defining the necessary resources, networks, security mechanisms and access protocols. Finally, a diagram is created and the solution is documented in a detailed deliverable.

Product roadmap

The roadmap provides a detailed analysis of the products or services that need to be improved or developed, the timelines for their launch, the resources required for each stage, and a market and competition analysis. Our goal is to provide a clear understanding of the actions that need to be taken to improve the offering of products or services, and facilitate informed decision-making on resource allocation and development of new solutions to meet customer needs.

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Workshops / Conferences

We provide training and education on specific project functionalities, implementations, improvements, or changes. These events aim to address specific topics, share knowledge, best practices, address queries, and provide real-time support, if needed.

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We’d love to hear from you anytime

Dream big. We will make it technologically possible.

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